Human Horse Mirroring

Human Horse Mirroring Hang Ting Points

Human Horse Mirroring is a phenomenon that has become for me, not if ahorse is taking on specific physical, emotional, belief and spiritual issues of their human, but how deep and profound. I found years ago that the work I did with horses would often not hold unless I addressed the issues with their owners. I initially wanted to disprove this phenomenon as I had enough to deal with the horses’ physical vascular, neural, fascia and metabolic disorders. However, it became crystal clear that equines are consciously, deliberately taking on connected human core issues to bring them to the surface to be dealt with and then transmuted.

I run the skeptic hard, but live primarily in the intuitive space, so verifying intuitive “hits” from me, a horse, or other is key. I have had countless experiences working with horses where they suddenly express that the issue/area/organ I’m clearing is not theirs but their humans. Not only that, but when a horse illuminates their owner’s dysfunction it is ALWAYS THE HUMANS PRIMARY ISSUE or the focal point for dis-ease in the person. In osteopathy those areas are called the AGR or Area Of Greatest Restriction, and a place where the dominos of holding patterns “Let Go”.

I’ve had horses adamantly express their owners timely issues and located cancers, heart issues and an array of deadly eminent conditions that could then be addressed to heal. Horses simply SEE our light or lack of and know...One key way equus communicates this with us is by smelling specific fingers on our hands. You’ll know by the sacred deep way they look at you if they’re trying to illuminate a core dysfunction, and not simple looking for carrots or treats.

The Hand Ting Points have become, unexpectedly, a major source for equine/human mirroring assessment and intuitive progression. Horses will frequently utilize these ting points to communicate major dysfunctions in their human partner. “It’s not mine, it’s hers!” It’s not usually the meridian they’re focusing upon, rather the organ and emotional/mental/spiritual dysfunction associated with it. Utilize the finger/ting/organ as a “Gateway In” to further assess core dysfunctions. Often horses will zero in upon 2 fingers such as index (lg intestine), and little finger (usually heart), then look up at you to see if you get it. In this case they’re telling you that a large intestine issue is causing or directly related to a heart issue. And indeed, modern functional studies point to intestinal inflammation as a leading cause of cardiac dysfunction. The essence of this is being able to track these clues and verify the focal point of dysfunction. I’m always amazed at the depth horses able and willing to teach, heal, and to me this continues to be the most passionate, rewarding aspect of my work. 


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